I took a walk down memory lane last night as I looked at all of the photos that you scanned in.  I am sorry that I will not be able to attend the reunion.  I had prior reservations for a rental at the Jersey Shore that weekend.

I am currently retired & living with my sister Joan on a 45 acre farm in Eastern TN raising alpacas.  I spent 35 years in the Hbg. PA area working as a Certified Nurse Midwife.  The long hours & stress of the work prompted early retirement.


After graduation from Alverno College in 1969 with a BSN I spent 3 years in the US Army Nurse Corps.  One year of that time was spent in Vietnam.  Who could have imagined all that, looking at those young faces that popped up on my computer screen!!


I’m not very computer savvy so I don’t know about my ability to effectively scan in photos.  If I can get my act together maybe I will send photos directly to you.


I still have many siblings living in the Milwaukee area & my mom resides at Clement Manor in Greenfield.  The 12 siblings have been able to make it home for Christmas for most of the last many years.  My father died suddenly from a heart attack in 1992.


I was very sorry that he was not alive to participate in the dedication of the Women’s Vietnam Memorial.  It was a wonderful weekend in Washington, DC.  My mom & sibs Joan & Jim shared it with me.  I am one of 5 who collaborated on a book about our Vietnam experiences.  “Another Kind of War Story” was initially written to help raise money for the Vietnam Women’s Memorial.  We sold the book at that dedication weekend in DC.  It was a very emotional weekend for all of the nurses present as well as all of the vets who came to say thank you to us.


Well this has turned into a longer Email than I intended.  Thank you for all of your work on this reunion project.  As I look at all of the photos I am increasingly disappointed that I will not be there.


Peace to you & all you love.       Diane